Alrite.. I don't even know whether there's anyone out there who actually reads my blog since I only have 4 inactive followers.. but gonna update anyway..
Blah! =(
Soooo let's see, to all my KL friends who have never heard of the term Gawai before, well it's basically this :

And this :
Gawai is the harvesting festival for the natives in Sarawak, well basically for the Ibans. It has since been made a public holiday here in Sarawak.Pros : HOLIDAY WHEEEE!!
Cons : All my favourite makan shops are closed cuz the native workers all went back to their kampungs for Gawai =(
Ok.. let me update what I have been doing for the past week since I came back to Nyan Nyan city. Went visiting a couple of houses for Gawai, mostly my parent's colleagues and church members. Surprisingly most of the food they served were catered
Chinese food hahahahahh! I'm talking about lemon chicken, bai kut ong, chinese style mixed vege, yong chow fried rice, et cetera. One of the houses even had tables with red sheets laid out on them kinda like the kind of tables used during Chinese New Year. Is Gawai beginning to be
too influenced by Chinese New Year?! I leave the opinion to you, my dear reader.
Here's a pic that Clem & I took whilst lepaking in a RM1,000,000 house owned by one of my church members during our Gawai visit.

Caught flu last Saturday because the guy in the above pic apparently exhaled some infected air which I inhaled. I think I'd better head to the hospital to screen it to make sure the flu has nothing to do with H1N1 or bird flu. =(
Went out with Kelly & Joanne to watch "Diary of a Wimpy Kid Part 2". Watched the trailer and went LMAO when the kid licked his hand which he has just wiped his ass with. LOL

Overall I think it's a perfect movie to watch with the family cuz well, it's a movie about family. Haha!
Went to have dinner at Kim Bay restaurant just outside Spring, able to catch up with Joanne after almost one year of not meeting her since PLKN ended. Finally got to meet Kelly in person! Overall, it was a worthwhile trip. (Y)
Going back to KL on Saturday with Bio Paper 4 paper on Monday -_-"
Ok I gotta get rid of this annoying flu which is currently persistantly bugging poor me. =(
Adios peeps! (Whoever who reads this blog)