My little nest.

Hello peeps!
Everyone loves weekends.
But why?
For most people, it's time to go out and enjoy with friends. Cineplex, karaoke, shopping, et cetera.
But for me, well... I just want to curl up on my bed with my bolster in my little nest wearing my comfy hoody with the air-con on full blast and the curtains all closed. Thus, hiding & shielding myself from the outside world. Just me, my bolster, and my little nest. :3

Exactly what I need after a whole week's load of work. Peaceful rest with 100% privacy. Just time for myself. <3 Anyway, listening to this soundtrack now. It's entitled 'Ano Natsu He' which is my favourite soundtrack from Spirited Away. Good peaceful song on a lazy Sunday afternoon. =)

But ALAS, I can't just relax and do nothing when there's the dreaded monday assessment tomorrow. Check out the number of slides I have to touch on the bottom of my desktop.

FIGHTING!! Pour midnight oil tonight! :D

Check out this melay chick rofl.

Anyway, to wrap this rather short post up, here's my favourite pic from my visit to some melay chick's house on Friday. LOL check out this female dog's pose, THE LEG OMG THE LEG SEDANG ANGKAT LIKE MODELING. HAHAHA. <3

Bacteria, GW2, Trolling

Sup peeps, these few days I've been experiencing brain fog, vomitting, sleepiness, blurness and other weird physiological disorders.

Narrowed the cause down to bacteria/germ infection from clogged sink cleaning or pesticide accumulation on unpeeled apple skins. 2 days ago, this weird red rash on my face appeared. And no, it ain't a pimple. It feels like a cluster of small little bumps when I touch it. Check it out :

BLAH SCREW THAT SHYT, think I'll follow my unique combo of garlic pills + detox tea to nurse my body back to the pinkiness of health! :D

Lemme rant about the history of garlic consumption.


Garlic was rare in traditional English cuisine (though it is said to have been grown in England before 1548), and has been a much more common ingredient in Mediterranean Europe.

Builders of the ancient pyramids were said to eat garlic daily for enhanced endurance and strength.

Garlic was placed by the ancient Greeks on the piles of stones at cross-roads, as a supper for Hecate.

Roman emperors couldn't eat enough of it, as it was considered an antidote to poisons which were very popular in certain political circles of the time.

The Spanish have long used garlic as a preservative which helps to add creadence to it's anti-bacterial properties and whole books have been devoted to the health benefits of garlic.

The inhabitants of Pelusium in lower Egypt, who worshipped the onion, are said to have had an aversion to both onions and garlic as food.

European beliefs once considered garlic a powerful ward against demons, werewolves, and vampires. To ward off vampires, garlic could be worn, hung in windows or rubbed on chimneys and keyholes.

<3 plagiarizing.
For the benefits of garlic supplements, research on google.

Gonna start playing Guild Wars 2 tomorrow! OH YEAH CAN'T FRIGGIN WAIT. LEET ELITE RANGER KENKINO IS COMING TO ROCK YOUR SOCKS GW2 PLAYERS! TREMBLE IN THE PRESENCE OF KENKINO! LOLOLOLOLOLOL. (Just hope that some melay chick doesn't forget to bring her copy of GW2 tomorrow or i'm gonna ARGHHHHH)

Random trolling :

I'm gonna try this shyt out in a friend's house which gots pets in it! LOLOLOLOLOL. BLAME THE ANIMAL FOR POOPING. FAWH YEAH! :D

GAHH, so unprepared for the assessment tomorrow, now I regret sleeping the whole day yesterday. At least I'm enjoying the comfy feel wearing my long-sleeved jacket which makes me go zzz zzz zzz.

Song of the day :

Kiss today goodbye,
The sweetness and the sorrow.
Wish me luck, the same to you.
But I can’t regret
What I did for love, what I did for love.


Yo peeps!
Just found out how to use the Printscreen button that has been well neglected for 3 whole years solely thanks to my negligent nature.
Sooooooo yeah, screenshotted the following pic from a video taken at Methodist College.

I can't believe that I drawed with a girl in arm-wrestling.
-cuts dick off-

Anyway, I'll get back to the point.

.......... oops.
(My heartiest respect for the cartoonist who 'thunk' of using a giraffe for a break-in)

Cartoons/animes with trolling in them are ALWAYS THE BEST!
The above pic is from Futurama, which is byfar the MOST EPIC TROLL CARTOON I've ever watched. Seriously, give it a watch. I'm sure you'll enjoy it provided that you're not blur cuz blur people will not understand the trolling parts.

Oh dear, now that I come to think of it, trolling takes a certain amount of BRAIN POWER to decipher the cynical nature of trolling hehhheh.

Speaking of blur... I think of squids.


Next up, a trolling screenshot from tROllnarok.
'Hey u n00d priest' LOL.

Ok what the fawk am I doing here anyway?
I should be reading my Physiology textbook.

Eventful week.

Who doesn't love fridays?
Why, even this gay-looking dog loves fridays! :D

Anyhoo, let's see where shall I start?
Exam results seriously fawked up.
My mom is seriously gonna fawk me up ARGH.
Blah a little 'bundar-ing' of the figures won't hurt anyone. Hehheh shhhh.

We went to Nando's with our dear mentor, Dr Ali.
1 word to describe this dude, dictator.

Oops, my bad. Forgot to snap a pic BEFORE I nomnomnom my platter but oh wells!
Rating 8.5/10 overall for the roasted chicken.
Very juicy, tender meat with crispy skin.
One of the best roasted chicken I've tasted so far.
Thumbs up to Nando's!
Next up, Kenny Rogers! :D

Watched 007:Skyfall just now at Cathay Cineplex @ The Curve.
Personal rating 7.8/10
The bad guy really reminds me of The Joker in Batman.
Sadistic, creeeeeppyyy, talks with a funny accent, et cetera.
These types of people belong in the funny farm.
Seriously, I wouldn't want them to be near the people I care about.

Random troll comic strip from my facebook's homepage:

'That son of a bich'

To conclude, enjoy the rest of your Friday night with the people and stuff you love!
Also, listen to Rebecca Black's Friday cuz well, fridays don't seem like fridays without that song hehheh.

I miss my bolster...
Regret leaving my little pupu in Kuching.
Sigh. xoxo xXx nomnomnom.

Moving Blues.

Been feeling damn sleepy, lethargic, tired, exhausted, and basically every word in the English language which describes tiredness for the past few days because I've been sleeping on the couch (sofa) in my new unit as my bed frame hasn't been moved into my new room yet. MY POSTURE HAS BEEN SUFFERING, ARGH! Can't imagine how bent my backbone has become. I NEED A DOCTOR.
My shoulders are aching like an elephant's brain now. IDONTKNOWWHATTHATMEANSBUTIDONTCAREBLAH.

Anyhoo, so I have officially moved all my stuff into my new condo Cova Suites.
One word to describe the moving process.
Mhmm brutal, tiring, hectic, lethargic-causing, sprain-inducing, bruise-placing, et cetera.
Mere words just aren't enough to describe the agony my shoulders and arms had to endure in carrying my furniture and luggage all the way from Cova Villa to Cova Square.

Sigh but finally with the help of Ann Yong's father's workers, I was able to move my HUMONGOUS cupboard and bed frame into my new room here.

Here're some pics I took of my new condo.

The magnificent view of the Infinity-themed pool and park from my balcony. It's as if the world is at my feet. AHHHHHH... the feeling is just wonderful. (Y)

The dining hall.

The living room with some furniture we bought from the previous tenants.

Overall, RM550 rental for single small room is definitely worth it! I was lucky to get hold of this unit because Cova Suite is so much better than Cova Villa in terms of security, population density, privacy, et cetera. After moving to Cova Suites, I've been wondering how I've been surviving at Cova Villa for the past 2 months. Sheesh. I mean, RM350 rental for sleeping and doing my work in the living room? OH C'MON THAT SUCKS. FINALLY I'M OUTTA THERE and into a beautiful new unit. Thumbs up!

Gotta get back into shape, MUST BUILD MY 6-PAX ABS AGAIN! NO PAIN WHEN KENA PUNCH! That's pure satisfaction hehe.

To conclude, here's a very interesting chick on fb chat. This female never fail to amuse me. LOL :D