Caffeine is my utmost top-of-the-list drug.
Well not technically a drug per se, but the informal meaning of drug is something that one gets addicted to.
Sooooo yeah, caffeine is mah drug!
Can't imagine life without caffeine.
It's like my brain goes zombie-ish without any consumption of caffeine.
That's exactly why I stocked up my caffeine supply! :D

Lemme just briefly quote some info about caffeine consumption from some random website:
The Science: Soon after your first sip, caffeine begins to work its magic by causing the release of dopamine. Dopamine is a brain chemical that stimulates the area of your gray matter responsible for alertness, problem solving, and pleasure. "You have that feeling of being activated, sharper, and on the ball," says Lovallo. "And you can also experience a mild mood-elevating effect." All of which goes a long way in explaining why there are around 9,000 Starbucks outlets in the United States, and more opening every day around the globe.
Be smarter instantly: Down a cup of joe just before your next meeting -- it'll boost your mind power for about 45 minutes, according to a recent Austrian study that directly measured the impact of 100 milligrams (mg) of caffeine on brain activity.
Be smarter for life: Refill your cup three times a day. Harvard researchers have determined that men who drink 4 cups of caffeinated coffee a day are half as likely to develop Parkinson's disease as those who skip the java -- presumably because caffeine keeps dopamine molecules active. What's more, blocking adenosine may slow the buildup of amyloid-beta, a toxic brain plaque that's associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Yep, the reason I consume caffeine is mainly for mental alertness. If not, I'll be walking around with a 'huh?' attitude cuz' of what-we-call blurness. D:
Randomness: Guess who I saw whilst browsing random shops at The Curve last last weekend? The dude in the pic below!

If you have no clue who this particular dude is, then you're 100% not a Malaysian. :D
Yep, that's Ah Jib gor. Who knows what he and Rosmah were doing at The Curve.
Shopping or campaigning? Most probably the latter as elections are just around the corner.
Sigh, alang-alang my burfday is like 2 weeks from the election date if not I'd surely cast my vote.
Oh well, there's always the next election.

Anyway, to wrap it up and continue with the dreaded med slides for tomorrow's weekly assessment, here're a bunch of sequential pics denoting how my friends and I roll back in nyan nyan city :D
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