Today was my class's turn to experience the once-in-a-lifetime thrill of conducting bio's urinary experiment. Most of the classes had done it oledi & current record of pee-ing goes to Bryan. 1 litre at either 30 mins or 60 mins if I'm not mistaken. Amongst some of the participating guys in my class r Mervyn, Woei Khang, Chung Hieng, Sean, Benjamin, James, Yap, Charles & me. The girls willingly volunteered to sponsor the water..& started cheering in a cynical manner for us guys as we headed for the loo. -_-"
Anywayz, i'll let the pics do the talkin'.

Mervyn's was the 500ml.

Next was my turn. 250ml.

After 30 mins, teacher told us to visit the loo to pee. That's Woei Khang staring at my phone.

MINE!! >:]

After we were done pee-ing & measuring the volume of our pee, we had to wash our measuring cylinders.
Sigh, I planned to take more pics but ain't gonna risk my phone getting confiscated by the school. Nvm..Till next time!! =D
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