GAY COUPLE!! WOOOO...(Mervyn looks so horny swt)

Briefing from organizers

Jiing Bang & I in some virtual electronics circuit class


Pfft, looks like a normal lab to me. Kim Yan & I got bored so we took a pic together..

Lmao, poor Adzim got randomly selected to dance on stage during lunch time

Headed to spring to kill 2-hour lunch break

Trimmed my hair at some saloon at spring. (mom's been bugging me for weeks to get my hair cut)

During the LEGO bumper car class or mechatronics session, I got 2nd for some IQ quiz they gave. Heh

Group D's group pic!! (Jiing Bang & I were squatting down together holding our Lego bumper car) =D
Well, guess that's the last agenda of Swinburne's Workshop 09'. Headed home after that. Fetched Mervyn home cuz his parents were at Lundu. Anywayz, to wrap it up, here's a pic depicting my last traffic duty as a prefect. Us prefects (batch of 09') r retiring next week. Gonna miss my prefect days...-sob-
Overall Swinburne's not bad for a campus. Kinda like the campus atmosphere there..heh
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