Hydro Majestic Hotel

I'm in the states!! HAHA!! MIAMI BEACH!! Woooooo

Me n my dad at the beach.

Me n my mommy~

Hiding behind a giant coral rock..

5-star sexy male! =P

Family pic...excluding my sis tho. -sob-

On the way to town via the hotel van.

Me on a trishaw.

Enjoying the view on our room's balcony.

Ouch, found a dead fish on shore..

Lastly, a pic depicting me uploading these pics on this post in the hotel lounge. Yo peeps, overall Penang's a great place to visit. So be sure to make Penang as 1 of your holiday destinations cuz u'll 100% won't regret it!! =D
yo nooby, if your pants has pattern, wear a plain shirt ok? or other way round. it hurts to look at you lmao. poor dead fish, why didnt throw it back into the ocean so that ppl wont step on it...
From your sister -.-
1) I think ur fashion sense stinks.
2) Don't look.
3) It's dead.
4) I stepped on it & that's how the pic came to be.
From your brother ..|..
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