Sup peeps, guess what? Today I followed Nixon to Ampang for my very 1st Brigade meeting. Now what is Brigade you may ask? Well... here goes :
How do you know that you're really fit?
Ever wondered how to lose all that excess and gain a body you've always dreamed about?
Skeptical, shaky, on the fence about it?
Well we, the people of Brigade would love to help you accomplish your goals.
Inspired by Bar-Barians, it was founded by Ryan Wong on 10th October 2009, along with early members Leon Wee and Chee Ian, had their first workout in Cheras Lake Valley, and planned a second location at Lake Tasik in Jalan Ampang Hilir (for your convenience to choose any of the two places.) BRIGADE started as a small group and gradually built and still is growing. Members are slowly pouring in and acknowledge more to come. Exercising and working out brings you to a whole new motivation level when you're doing it with your friends and companions. Whenever you find yourself falling into an exercise rut or no longer feeling challenged with your workout, we'll push you to your limits with our various and face down workout programmes and exercises. We’ll show you how to ramp up the intensity of your workout. So come join us!
The aims of Brigadian are simple:
1. To achieve a physically fit and ever-ready body.
2. To boost one`s self-esteem and confidence.
3. To discipline both mind and body.
4. A healthy lifestyle.
Getting motivated and keeping that determination and perseverance to obtain the aims you've set is hard. It's a tough job. Remember, the road to true strength is always hard and long, so be prepared, strong and durable. Should any be interested please feel free to walk in anytime.
Compulsory : gym gloves
Optional : gym equipments
Where can you get gloves?
You can purchase it from any sport stores. (E.g. Royal Sporting House, Stadium, Studio R, Fitness Concept, Adidas, Nike, Carrefour, Giant, etc.)
We're open for both genders, and new participants are welcomed! There will be 3 stages in the membership hierarchy: Junior, Senior and True Brigadian Membership. Progression from one level to the next will be assessed strictly by the Founder. So don't be shy, we're open for application for membership from anyone!
And here's a pic of the official Brigade T-shirt.

Anyway, to sum up today's meeting, we did more than a hundred push-ups, bout 30 minutes in total of planks (with breaks in between of course), 40 jumping stances, et cetera. Basically, it's all about push-ups. Tough but totally worth it. As the saying goes 'Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal'. Well, think that's all for now peeps. And oh btw, I PASSED ALL MY PAPERS FOR QUALIFYING EXAMS! WOOHOOOO PTL!! =D