Here's a pic of Whispering Hope.

A little info on Whispering Hope.. It's a branch church of DMC meant for college students to go for sunday services & to fellowship with one another. Sooo the overall congregation of WH is compatively small to DMC but the people at WH are nonetheless nice people hehe. Met Natalie during lunch, haven't seen her since that time our whole group went for our yoghurt snack at Tutti Frutti somewhere in Damansara area if I'm not mistaken. DELICIOUS but kinda expensive the yoghurts sold there but mmm.. =D

That's Cong Yew giving a piece of roasted duck to a stray kitten after service. =D
The kitten ignored the duck at 1st but after we left we looked back and the lil kitten was feasting on the duck -_-"
Think that's all for now. Till next time peeps!
yeaps that was like a month ago i think. we should arrange more post-lunch snacks after church xD
sure thing, next sun maybe :D
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