First of all, check this pic out. Took bout like 4 minutes to upload cuz apparently Nixon's cam was too high-def 1.37MB pic!
Yess..that's mua eating my breakfast Char Kuey Tiaw! =D
OK enough of this, let's get down to business.
Yes, I'm aware that I went MIA for the past two months or so.
Well, it's just cuz I became too lazy to update my blog.. although my blog is 'pretty awesome' (Peter Chao) LOL.
Let's see, I took part in my college's Treasure Hunt event last Sat.
I'm gonna do some yakking on what happened on the day itself so just bear with me. My group partner was NIXON KAN WAI KEUN woohoo! Guess what? We were supposed to take the monorail from Times Square to Hang Tuah station but Nixon insisted that we WALK all the way there! Yeah, u heard me! WALK!! No wonder we did NOT see anyone along the way. OH WELL, GOOD EXERCISE UNDER THE SCORCHIN' MIDDAY SUN! >:O
Anyhoo, the event ended bout 2pm and I was downright EXHAUSTED! Not only that, my skin went red thx to the scorchin' blazin' sun. Fixed it in a day or two thx to Garnier Light Milky Lightening Dew (Pure Lemon Essence)! Hehheh.
TRIALS NEXT WEEK ARGGHHH!! Think that's all for now peeps! Gotta revise some Chem before zzz-ing. >:O
garnier! hahahaha ta wei x)
yie lin! yeah highly effective garnier~ =]
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