Yes, I'm still alive =P
Found these pics whilst browsing thru my facebook homepage & just have to blog em.
PS : So that my blog does NOT get banned and shutted down, I'll name the dude in the following pic as Na'ib! This is to avoid people who typed his real name on google to scroll to my blog. (You should know who this particular dude is IF you're not a phony Malaysian)

Next one up, MY FAVOURITE PIC OF ALL TIME! (If you do not see the joke in it, I'd recommend that you grab a paper from last week)

To wrap it up, here's a random pic which I think is interestingly sharable but kinda lame compared to the previous pic. Plus, also because I was born in the year of the monkey!

In conclusion, thx for chuckling! Next post'll prolly be on my college's Midsummer Masquerade happening next friday. Still haven't decided what costume am I wearing hehheh.
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