Came back to Kuching, which is my favourite place in the whole world. But I'm leaving for KL in 3 days time which makes me a little sad. =(
Sooo how did I spend my time here the last few days? Well let's just say I bought the entire series of Lady Castle, a Korean love drama series and watched the entire drama series in just 2 days!! Truthfully, I prefer korean dramas to other dramas like taiwanese and singaporean dramas because korean dramas actually emphasize on the emotional aspect between the main characters in the story and less towards business and back-stabbing like in most taiwanese dramas.
Yes that's right, I was moved to tears when Kang Hae Na, the main actress, ran away with the main actor when her whole family found out about the relationship between them. The reason why I actually shed tears was because all that mattered was that they were with each other and being beside each other and comforting each other in tough situations is the only thing that matter when love is present. I've never been in a relationship before but this kind of intimate love is really what I'm looking for in my future relationship. I don't want to be far from the girl I really love and I want to make sure I'm always there beside her in her hardships. In a nutshell, I'm like an udang galah. What does that mean? Think of how hard udang galah's shell is but how soft and scrumptous it's meat is. =)

This song entitled "Take Care Of My Heart" is really deep and made me shed a tear or two. Enjoy =)
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