Daddy's back!
3 more weeks of kuching left till I return to KL for my finals blah.
Not looking forward towards it but life goes on.. sigh.
Anyhoo.. what shall I rant about today?
Ok, think I got it, here goes.
Last week, my parents FORCED me to do some jogging at Reservoir Park near the Kuching Museum. At first, I was reluctant because well.. exercise makes me tired hee hee hee =P
As my mom & dad took off to begin their jogging routine, I leisurely started my brisk stroll through the tranquil park we have here in Kuching. The weather was nice that evening. Went 'ahhhhhh' as I stopped to admire the wonderful scenery featuring the lake and realllly old trees. (I'm soooooo gonna bring my wife here next time because with the right intensity of sunlight and cool breeze, it's actually quite romantic out here in the park. Hee hee hee...)
Alright, now I'm going to post some random pics I took of places I went to since I came back!

That's my mom, dad and I at India Street's backalley. It was sort of an impromtu idea to snap a pic facing some random pedestrian mirror.. and this pic clearly says 'Kenneth, your phone camera sucks in 4x zoom mode!' =(

That's me sitting down on the pathway whilst waiting for my mom who was buying some vegetables at Unaco near Sri Sarjana, I love lepaking near PBK and Sri Sarjana for some odd reason ;)

This was taken outside The Gingerbread House also near Sri Sarjana and just a few blocks away from PBK. The sky scenery is just undescribably beautiful.

Took this pic at Waterfront mainly because I found it rather out-of-place that BN's flag was 'chakked' onto some random wooden pole in the river.

Lastly, this is a pic I took at Reservoir Park whilst I was taking a genteel and brisk stroll through this beautiful park last week. Couldn't resist the urge to stop and just capture the moment when the sun was setting..
Well, guess that concludes this random post! Till next time, dear readers!
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