Friday and Digestion

Happy Friday, peeps!
Who doesn't love fridays?
Why, even this pig loves friday! :D

Made a rash decision on cutting my fringe. Can't say I regretted it though, I kinda like my new look. Too lazy to style my hair just for the sake of taking and uploading a picture here. All I can say is that sometimes rash decisions bring forth unexpected results (good or bad).

Here's a picture of a lovely crystal piano of top-notch quality. Oh how I wish my piano was like this. I'm willing to bet that the sound it makes is heavenly.

Let's see, what I've been experiencing these couple of days. Ever since I started my diet of eating an apple a day for the sake of increasing my fiber intake, I've been experiencing some very mild stomach and gastrointestinal discomfort. Researched it on google and found out that it's normal. Let me quote from some website I found while googling.

If your body isn't used to fiber, you may notice that you feel cramping, gas and bloating when you start adding it to your diet. Discomforts such as gas and bloating are more common with soluble fiber because gas is a byproduct of bacteria breaking down the fiber in your large intestine.

Also, I took a fiber intake calculator based on body height, weight, et cetera.
Here's my results.

When I first saw it, I was like 'omg, 28 grams of fiber?' because a large apple only has 5 grams of fiber. So to achieve my recommended daily intake of fiber would be to eat a minimum of 5 apples a day which is a no-go for me. So guess I'm sticking to 1-2 apples a day. The rest of the fiber I'll just leave it to my veggies. =)

Also, to ensure that my digestive system is really kept healthy, I've been taking Lacto-5 Probiotics capsules. It does help in maintaining normal bowel function and compete with the bad bacteria and fungus inside my intestines. Google the terms 'probiotics' and 'friendly bacteria' for more information if this is the first time you've heard about it.

Alright think I'll wrap this post up with a quote we all should already know.
'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' or rather the original version of it :
'Ait a happle avore gwain to bed, An' you'll make the doctor beg his bread'