Sigh of relieve.
Why, you may ask.
Let's just say that I'm glad that a fawking invisible barrier has been crumbled to fawking pieces between a friend and I.
Heart-to-heart talks just stay in one's heart for life. I don't think anyone would ever forget a meaningful conversation with an important friend.
When you really mean what you say to a person you care about, tears just start flowing down and your heart starts beating so freakin' fast.
The pastor in my new church was right when he said that if things aren't going well in the past week, just put your trust in God and He will make things better this week! Amen!
Lesson learnt : If there is a problem with someone or something, don't just stand there like a pussy, instead take the damn initiative to fix it! Take the leap of faith to confront that particular person. Regardless of how that person reacts, just know that you did what you had to do and your conscience is now clear. If you just let the problem go unfixed, you're actually thickening the invisible barrier between you and the other person. In the end, the one who would be miserable is you yourself. Which reminds me of my quote on my fb profile.
Quote : I'm a guy who always looks at life from a positive viewpoint. Simply because that's the only way to really live life to the fullest. Always turn a negative situation into a positive one to unlock the closed door in front of you. It all depends on your own decisions in life. Optimism or pessimism? You decide. :)
Life is all about making decisions. Sometimes, when a relationship with a friend is screwed up and you feel really REALLY terrible about it and can't stop thinking about it, it actually means that that particular friend is not just another friend but a really important friend to you. When you realize that fact, do not hesitate to take the step of courage to confront that person and speak what's in your heart. Notice I typed heart instead of mind. Because in situations like these, just listen to what your heart tells you, not what your stupid logical brain thinks. Cuz' happiness only comes when you listen to your heart. Screw the brain. This is what heart-to-heart conversations are. These types of conversations are the conversations which stay in your heart for life.
Anyhoo, my parcel from the States finally arrived today! Not bad, took 6 days to arrive from US to Malaysia via USPS Express International parcel service. Well it should've taken only 5 days but my parcel was opened and inspected by the Department of Pharmacy of Pos Malaysia haha.
Speaking of postage and mailmen, well....
Recently bought a new accoustic guitar from The Curve. Can't stop playing it but need a person to teach me how to play chords. Blah, I'll worry about that after finals.
Song of the day :
A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone?
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow..
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