After we booked the 2 o'clock show tickets, Clem said "Ooo I'm hungry. I WAN KOLO MEE!! Me & Bryan were like wad d..we just took our lunch. Anyhoo, since we got bout 45 mins to kill, we went to the kopitiam just across the road for Clem to have his kolo mee. That bastard ordered 2 bowls instead of 1 to save him the awkwardness of us staring at him while eating lol. Thx to my cynical comment : "I'll STARE at u!!" heh.

After the show, we met up with Mervyn & Adzim at Parkson then headed for McD's.

After a hearty meal, we headed for Sarawak Plaza where I checked out the punk clothes shop on the ground floor to buy some punk shirts...but couldn't afford any of em cuz I only have 30 bucks & the nice ones r 70 at minimum. -_-"

We're going for dinner at The Spring on Friday sooo yeah, imma update my blog on either Sat or Fri nite. =]
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