Mhmm..u prolly wouldn't be able to see the bugs in this pic. But if u look at it up close, you'd notice the lil flying white thingies near the fluorescent light.

Guy in front of me being bugged by a bug. -chuckles-

Kim Yan & 2 other gals shielding their hair from the lil buggies.

It was finally the last straw for Mr. Tan as the bugs kept buzzing in his ears. He announced that he was gonna shut the lights for bout 5 mins & at the same time leave the door open for the bugs to buzz off.
Didn't feel like attending add-maths class that nite but glad I did. -chuckles at bug victims- hehe
PS: If ur wondering y the bugs didn't bug me, wellll it's cuz I happened to sit near the air-con & the lil buggies just couldn't stand the cold. =D
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