If ur still wondering, then plz press alt+F4 tq. -sticks out tongue-
I ain't a party guy sooo yeah. I've never held a birthday party for the last 18 years of my life LOL. Every year, it's just me & my fam. Since my parents were busy with some extra classes today, thus we just celebrated my burfday via dinner at a fancy Cantonese restaurant near the Tun Jugah area in the heart of town. Naturally, I ordered a big yam basket dish, ku lok yok, tauhu, omelette, etc. Satisfying dinner heh. Best yet, I'm now LEGAL!! -smiles cynically- Which means? Check out my Facebook profile pic for the answer LMAO! Neways, to wrap it up here's a pic of my birthday cake. =P

happy birthday to u,
happy birthday to u,
happy birthday to cb kia,
happy birthday to u.
tq sohai kia, lai dota la mahai
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