Last Tuesday, my fam & I were sleeping nyenyakly when all of a sudden the phone rang making me think who the sohai fella was callin ppl at 5am. Turned out it was my aunt LOL. The news she conveyed wasn't pretty either. My grandma had just passed away in a nursing home for the elderly who were bed-ridden. Shocking news cuz we had expected her to live another 3 years or so. She passed away due to dementia btw, a common sickness experienced by the elderly but also influenced by some blockage in her stomach. Flew all the way to KL for the funeral. Overall, I felt relieved somewhat cuz the Lord decided to take her home instead of letting her suffer from dementia for a couple more years. Plus, she's now in heaven with my grandpop & Jesus. ^___^
Here's a pic I took 3 months ago when I went to visit her in her hospital ward. Held her hand to comfort her as we spoke words of encouragement for her to endure thru' her sickness & remain faithful to our Lord Jesus.

Neways, went to collect my OFFICIAL P-license today. My PLKN card also finally arrived in the mail.

Hmm, think I'll add the STU event in too. Went to collect 50 bucks from STU last Sat for obtaining 10A's in SPM. Since the event had a particular dress code, I had to wear my olddd school uniform & no caps allowed LOL. Thus, my spiky hair sob. 2 more weeks till I return to my old hensom self mwahahahaha!! =P
My condolences man. How old's ur grandma anyway?
thx man. she's only 68..i think. -_-"
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