Oh well, I'll just give it my best shot albeit not feeling too well this week.
Found out that I have mild lactose intolerance.
Had diarrhea and a major intestinal bloated-ness after drinking a tall glass of low-fat milk.
Did a little research on google and found some websites which cleared my doubts on whether I had indeed developed lactose intolerance or did I wrongly diagnose myself.
Quote :
'Symptoms of lactose intolerance can be mild or severe, depending on how much lactase your body makes. Symptoms usually begin 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating or drinking milk or milk products. If you have lactose intolerance, your symptoms may include:
Pain or cramps in the lower belly.
Gurgling or rumbling sounds in the lower belly.
Loose stools or diarrhea. Sometimes the stools are foamy.
Throwing up.
Many people think they are lactose-intolerant, because the symptoms of lactose intolerance are very common symptoms. If you feel sick after drinking a glass of milk one time, you probably do not have lactose intolerance. But if you feel sick every time you have milk, ice cream, or another dairy product, you may have lactose intolerance.
Sometimes people who have never had problems with milk or dairy products suddenly have lactose intolerance. This is more common as you get older. Symptoms of the most common type of lactose intolerance-adult lactose intolerance-often start during the teen or adult years and continue for life. Symptoms of acquired lactose intolerance last as long as the small intestine does not make lactase.'
I also read that most Asians will develop lactose intolerance during adulthood. Seems like I'm included in that unfortunate group. Argh, so I guess I have to resort to calcium pills and protein shakes for my calcium and protein consumption?
And to think I used to drink milk everyday when I was a little boy.
Well, actually I might not have lactose intolerance. Asked opinions from several people and some of them told me that it might be because I haven't drank milk in a long time, so maybe my body needs time to develop the normal levels of lactase production again. Oh well, hope for the best! Good to be optimistic.
Anyhoo, opening humor as usual!
Went to Ipoh with my coursemates last Saturday.
It was really random, we started off eating Dim Sum at a chinese restaurant at Giza.
Then the driver suddenly decided to organize a daytrip to either Ipoh or Melaka.
We chose Ipoh cuz he has already been to Melaka.
Went to Gua Tempurung.
Overall the journey took approximately 2 hours from kl-ipoh.
I'll post some of the pics along and during the trip.
Guess who the driver was?
Mountainous landscape of Ipoh.
Breath-taking interior view of stalactites and stalagmites in Gua Tempurung.
Finally, I participated in archery!! I've been wanting to shoot arrows from a bow since FOREVER! Hahahaha. I was so excited when I saw that archery was amongst the various activities at Gua Tempurung recreational area. The other guys weren't as thrilled to join in but since I insisted soooo..... yeah haha. Totally worth it, RM6 for 10 arrows.
Managed to score a bulls-eye. Not bad for a first-timer haha. Beginner's luck aye? :D
Overall, the trip was good haha. It's been quite a while since I've been inside a cave. Feels as if I was standing in another dimension because of the cold, goosebumps-inducing atmosphere inside a cave.
Moving on, my baby girl finally shedded! She's been emo-fying since her eyes turned blue as a sign of entering the shedding process. Glad she's back to her normal, active, slithering behaviour now. :)
To conclude, we should give everything we do our best shot so that we don't regret later on for not putting in our best in achieving our goals. Perseverance, confidence and sincerity are the most important criteria in achieving our goals. Don't give up just because things aren't looking promising. Think about the reason you held on for so long in the first place. Cheers!