Study Week

Finals starting next monday, stress building up ahhh!
Oh well, I'll just give it my best shot albeit not feeling too well this week.
Found out that I have mild lactose intolerance.
Had diarrhea and a major intestinal bloated-ness after drinking a tall glass of low-fat milk.
Did a little research on google and found some websites which cleared my doubts on whether I had indeed developed lactose intolerance or did I wrongly diagnose myself.
Quote :

'Symptoms of lactose intolerance can be mild or severe, depending on how much lactase your body makes. Symptoms usually begin 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating or drinking milk or milk products. If you have lactose intolerance, your symptoms may include:

Pain or cramps in the lower belly.
Gurgling or rumbling sounds in the lower belly.
Loose stools or diarrhea. Sometimes the stools are foamy.
Throwing up.

Many people think they are lactose-intolerant, because the symptoms of lactose intolerance are very common symptoms. If you feel sick after drinking a glass of milk one time, you probably do not have lactose intolerance. But if you feel sick every time you have milk, ice cream, or another dairy product, you may have lactose intolerance.

Sometimes people who have never had problems with milk or dairy products suddenly have lactose intolerance. This is more common as you get older. Symptoms of the most common type of lactose intolerance-adult lactose intolerance-often start during the teen or adult years and continue for life. Symptoms of acquired lactose intolerance last as long as the small intestine does not make lactase.'

I also read that most Asians will develop lactose intolerance during adulthood. Seems like I'm included in that unfortunate group. Argh, so I guess I have to resort to calcium pills and protein shakes for my calcium and protein consumption?
And to think I used to drink milk everyday when I was a little boy.
Well, actually I might not have lactose intolerance. Asked opinions from several people and some of them told me that it might be because I haven't drank milk in a long time, so maybe my body needs time to develop the normal levels of lactase production again. Oh well, hope for the best! Good to be optimistic.

Anyhoo, opening humor as usual!

If you catch my drift hehheh.

Went to Ipoh with my coursemates last Saturday.
It was really random, we started off eating Dim Sum at a chinese restaurant at Giza.
Then the driver suddenly decided to organize a daytrip to either Ipoh or Melaka.
We chose Ipoh cuz he has already been to Melaka.
Went to Gua Tempurung.
Overall the journey took approximately 2 hours from kl-ipoh.
I'll post some of the pics along and during the trip.

Guess who the driver was?

Mountainous landscape of Ipoh.

Breath-taking interior view of stalactites and stalagmites in Gua Tempurung.

Finally, I participated in archery!! I've been wanting to shoot arrows from a bow since FOREVER! Hahahaha. I was so excited when I saw that archery was amongst the various activities at Gua Tempurung recreational area. The other guys weren't as thrilled to join in but since I insisted soooo..... yeah haha. Totally worth it, RM6 for 10 arrows.

Managed to score a bulls-eye. Not bad for a first-timer haha. Beginner's luck aye? :D

Overall, the trip was good haha. It's been quite a while since I've been inside a cave. Feels as if I was standing in another dimension because of the cold, goosebumps-inducing atmosphere inside a cave.

Moving on, my baby girl finally shedded! She's been emo-fying since her eyes turned blue as a sign of entering the shedding process. Glad she's back to her normal, active, slithering behaviour now. :)

To conclude, we should give everything we do our best shot so that we don't regret later on for not putting in our best in achieving our goals. Perseverance, confidence and sincerity are the most important criteria in achieving our goals. Don't give up just because things aren't looking promising. Think about the reason you held on for so long in the first place. Cheers!

Choosing words carefully.

Ok peeps.
Serious blogpost today.
Here goes :

A lot of things we say or ask can either cause or prevent us from sounding hurtful.
Or if you catch words coming out the way they shouldn't have, rephrasing swiftly would
save you, you, you, and all of us. So my suggestion is to make phrasing your good friend.
Unless you really intend to hurt with your words then I'm sorry for you.
I'm working on it myself, and I've some examples to share with you peeps.
They may sound slightly exaggerated but different people take them at different
degrees so it'll be clearer this way. To me, at least.

When something goes wrong and the first question is:

"What did you do?"

Where it puts the receiver: You are the cause, because if you didn't do whatever
wrong things you did, I wouldn't be asking you about what you did. You should
be responsible for whatever went wrong. (How conclusive, ey?)

Instead, use: "What happened?"

I like this one because it's not pointing fingers (which I'm sure none of us want
to do before knowing anything), and it gets the person to tell you the situation.

Next one,

When someone reacts unexpectedly and it doesn't please you and you go:

"Why are you like this?"

Where it puts the receiver: Why are you behaving in such a way that I disapprove of?
I don't understand why you did/said what you did/said. I obviously think you're wrong.
You are the problem and that's the reason why I'm asking you why you're like this.
(The last line sounds like a tongue twister. :p )

Instead, use: "What made you feel this way?"

That way, you would get to listen to how it is like to be viewing the situation from
the other side, a chance to understand the other person's reactions and maybe even
help the them see the reason themselves (which could be themselves), resolving issues.

The use of 'you' in these questions would naturally put them in 'attack' mode and
may cause the other person to go all defensive even though we may not mean to
(blame/point fingers) at all. That's not really going to bring any of us
anywhere nice. Unless of course you're talking to someone who really
understands you, then lucky you. But how many of these people do we know?

Delve on it. Peace out - Kenkino (blog author)

Study break

Yo peeps!
Alright the only reason I decided to update my blog is cuz it's either this or studying.
I'm sure only nerds would prefer the latter.
AHHHHH. End-of-block exam starting next monday!!!

The thing I hate is that I seriously don't feel like studying but I'm FORCED to read my slides if not I'm so screwed when the results come out.
NO MOOD STUDY BUT TERPAKSA. -flingtable- (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

The skeleton below is literally me right now. >.< (If I fling the table, my ulna and radius would snap off)

Anyhoo, enough of NERDRAGE, time for the usual opening humour.
Since it's the exam season, I'll just go for study/exam memes.

Last minute cramping for exam is screwed up. But dunno why, I seem to repeat this habit over and over again. Oh well, made it through the past 3 blocks even with last-minute studying :D ^o^ v

Anyway, this EOB is darn important cuz dental students are made compulsory to pass it to proceed to second year. If fail then have to repeat it and if fail the repeat then...
So far my weekly assessment marks have been kind to me so just pray I'm able to pass next week.

Just mastered my guitar strumming for Pricetag by Jessie J. Next up, aiming to master fingerstyle playing for Sometimes When We Touch by Dan Hill. The lyrics for this song is just wow. Beautiful. Thumbs up.


Addictive Beverages

Nothing to blog about lately.
Which explains the 1-month absence of mua, the blogger of this greyish-roadlike-designed blog. @@



1 single wrong phrase and BAM!
Game over.
Life's a bitch, deal with it, bitch :D

Oh ooh here's another one!

PS : If you think that the sentence above makes no sense, then your english level is bullc***.

So anyway, back to the point.
Sat for my MUET (Malaysian University English Test) two weeks ago, overall it was okay I think. Hope I'll be able to obtain at least a band 4 as that's the minimum english requirement for my course.
Worried about writing, and here's why.
Writing essays in a test is really very subjective and depends entirely on the preference and style of writing of the marker himself/herself. If the dude doesn't dig my style of writing then I'm so screwed. Hope he/she sticks to the marking criteria set forth by the MUET board and not give marks solely based on personal preference which is downright biased.
Worse yet, my essay question was 'Everyone should be a millionaire by the age of 35. Discuss.'
When I first read the question, I was literally dumbfounded. Really have to think outside the box to write this particular essay.

Randomness : Digged up this pic of me digging up dirt from the undigged drain.

Next up, a question I'd like to direct to coffee/milo/tea/et cetera addicts :
Have you ever had the urge for time to move faster just so that you can have your next cup of favourite beverage?
I mean, take coffee for instance.
Damn alot of caffeine in a cup of coffee.
Guaranteed insomnia if consumed after dinner.
So that makes the next cup the following morning. Weirdly, sometimes at night I want to sleep earlier so that when I open my eyes in the morning, FINALLY I CAN HAVE MY CUP OF KOPI! :D

But now I've moved on to Milo, fawk coffee :D

To wrap this post up, here's the song of the day (Eminem's voice is epic) :

Reaching Goals

Yo peeps, how's life?
For me, life's a rolling up & down roller coaster lately.
Good days, bad days.

Opening humour (trolling essence essentially) :

Thumbs up at no. 2 -chuckles-

Anyway, been working out quite alot lately.
Results so far :

Progress progressing according to plan, which is good haha.
Kinda slided back on working with weights during A-levels.
Aiming to get back to looking like this dude here :

Anyway, back to the point of this blogpost.
So yeah, goals.
I'm sure you all have your own personal goals in life.
Be it dealing with ambition, academic merits, tackling a special person's heart, et cetera.
PS: The third one is darn tough and needs a shitload of effort to accomplish =.=
My point is, even though things don't look promising at first, don't give up.
Keep persisting and put in your very best in achieving what you're aiming for.
In the end, even if you don't achieve it, screw that shit, cuz you've already put in your very best so there's no regrets whatsoever. Am I right?
The worst mistake a person could ever make is to not put in his very best in wanting to get something/someone.
Do not be that person.
Quote : Do it now, you become successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal.

Alright then, wish you guys all the best in living life to the utmost fullest. :)


First of all, check this vid out.
This guitarist is awesome.
He's playing the song 'There Is None Like You' which is a wonderful christian song. =)

*claps hand*
Gotta train my skills with the capo pretty soon =\


^That was my face before, not after, my exams.
Ki xiao already, so excited before 1st paper.
(Side-effect of being in med school = crack)


Gonna watch this movie tomorrow.

It was either this or Hangover 3.
To be honest, hangover 2 was kind of a disappointment sooo yeah.

2 more days till my flight back to Kuching aka nyan nyan city.
Can't wait.
It's been like dunno how many months since I last stepped foot in Kuching.
For some reason, there's just no place like Kuching.
Weird eh?



That's me up there at my cousin's wedding last week hehehe. ;)
Anyhoo, on the verge of going bonkers at just the start of my study week.
Fawk exams.
Fawk study.
Fawk books.
Fawk uni.
Fawk cabut gigi sohai course.
Ok enough rumbling shyt.
Opening humor as usual~

Benefits of being single.

If you catch my drift.
Hehheh. >:)

Soooo I bet you're wondering as to why the title of this blogpost is qu@ck?
Well, studying 24/7 made me blur blur liao soooo messed around with Paint.
Came up with this random duck pic which I replaced my fb cover pic with.

Quack quack~ :D
The fawk is wrong with me today.
One of the side-effect of studying = going nuts.
Sad case.

Microbiology and pharmacology are 2 fawked up subjects.
Now when I look back, A-levels is kacang compared to med school shyt.
Oh how I wish I could forward time to 5 years ahead, where I don't have to study anymore D:

Found a pic on my fb homepage about the relationship between our appetite and our mood.
No idea whether it's true or bullshyt tho.

Sooooo I guess that makes me lonely and sexually frustrated??!!!
If you catch my drift once again.
Tee hee hee.

If you don't, then grow up please. Thx.

Song of the day :

Standing At Crossroads.

Been listening to this song on repeat today.
Kinda dig the rock feel to it.

'I tried so hard and got so far, in the end it doesn't even matter.'

Been doing a shitload of thinking these past few days about a personal issue of mine.
Basically, I'm currently standing at crossroads in my life.

My decision will force me to let go of 1 and choose the other.
Life is all about choices, undoubtedly true.
Choices which could potentially affect the outcome of our future should be delved on wisely and thoroughly before being decided.
Sometimes, I just wish I could go to God directly to ask Him what His plan for my life is.
I mean, this uncertainty I'm currently facing is just downright unpleasant.
What if I make the wrong decision?

Did you ever feel like going back in time so you could change how things would turn out?
Honestly, I wish I could return to the time before I entered SEGi.
So far, there's been like so many blunders I've made since I came here.
If only I knew what those blunders were in the first place, I could have avoided them.

Yes, I know that life is about making mistakes and learning from them.
But sometimes, the mistakes that we make are irreversible and we just cannot return things to the way they used to be.
The damage simply has been done.

Don't take people for granted.
In short, do NOT play with someone's feelings. Just don't.
People who knowingly do that have a seriously screwed up conscience.
Confucius: "Do not impose on others what you do not desire others to impose upon you."

The best moments in life are hanging out with close friends and just enjoying the warm atmosphere subconsciously created by being close to each other.

Salamat mlm.

Quick hint: The title of this post is of tr0ll essence :P

Yo peeps, it's been like forever since I last blogged.
Frankly it's cuz only bloggers read blogs.
None and I mean NONE of my friends blog.
Which sucks.
Big time.

On the bright side, I find blogging kinda entertaining which was why I even started blogging back in the year 2009 after a friend introduced me to blogger. No regrets since. Just play by the rules and don't post any sensitive stuff so I won't get detained by the ISA (which btw is already dibubarkan and replaced with some other similar shyt). Don't see why they even bubarkan it in the first place.


OH YEAH, POLITIKAL (intentionally spelled with a 'K' to avoid google search) SENSITIVE STUFF. F*CK U ISA. :D

And I'm sure the following pic happens to almost everyone of us. Frankly, technically it happens to me every monday during my 'tembaking' spree. -flips table in RAGE like a motherfawker-

So, we were finally given our dental society shirt this morning. Check it out.

OMG WHY RED? IKR. Looks like some waiter in some fast food joint. THEY SHOULD'VE MADE IT PINK! LOLWUT. :D Don't think anyone's gonna wear it out in the mall or smth unless to troll around then boleh lah rofl. Hmm, should've ordered M size cuz S is kinda tight. Getting fat these days. Need. To. Jog. More. Often. Nao. :(
BMI index still in the ideal range so screw it. LIFE IS SHORT, SO JUST OMNOMNOM ALL YOU FEEL LIKE EATING. Cut the anorexia nervosa bullshit. Only those really REALLY self-conscious-bout-looks people would practise this practice. Some nutcases would even eat the intestinal worm pills so that the worm parasites would breed in their intestines and suck the nutrients from their food so they will lose weight. Which I think is totally screwed up. Gosh, the desperation factor in some people. Tsk tsk. Sad.

So sleepy, need to zzz. Sooo....
Life's short, learn to value loved ones. :)

Life, as we know it.

Opening humor :

Lady : Do you smoke?
Man : Yes I do.
Lady : How many packs a day?
Man : 3 packs.
Lady : How much per pack?
Man : $10.00 per pack.
Lady : And how long have you been smoking?
Man : About 15 years.
Lady : So 1 pack is $10.00 and you have been smoking 3 packs a day which puts your spending per month at $900. In 1 year, it would have been $10,800. Am I correct?
Man : Correct.
Lady : If 1 year you spend $10,800 not accounting for inflation, the past 15 years put your spending total at $162,000. Correct?
Man : Correcto.
Lady : Do you know if you hadn't smoke, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for compound interest for the past 15 years, you could by now have bought a Ferrari?
Man : Oh, do you smoke?
Lady : No.
Man : Then where's your f*cking Ferrari?

Got it from some random website, forgot which one though.
Found it hidden stashed in the corner of my blogpost folder.

Anyway, back to the main topic of the day.
So far it's been an eventful week so far, went to watch Oblivion at Cathay Cineplex with some friends and then tak balik condo after that terus go makan seafood with ANOTHER group of friends at Fatty Crab Restaurant at some Taman Maju if I'm not mistaken.
It was after both these events that I realized that the fun thing about this life we're all living in is that events sometimes take an unexpected turn. For example, that day I did not even plan to go anywhere but to head back to my condo and stone. But on the way back, I randomly met up with my friends and they invited me to join them for the movie. And I was like 'Uhhh ermm, OK YEAH SURE!' cuz well, it sounds like fun! :D Good thing I went though, if not I'd never been able to pose as IRONMAN!!

Overall, I'd give Oblivion a 6/10 rating.
Anyhoo, after the movie I went straight to Chris's condo and lepak-ed there for about 20 minutes before Shen came and picked me and Jon and headed for Fatty Crab restaurant. Mason organized it apparently cuz' we talked too much crap so let's go eat some crab! LOLWUT. RANDOMNESS IN LIFE FTW! :D

What I'd like to point out here is that sometimes to have fun, we just have to say yes to things. After all, the word yes opens new opportunities and unlock doors in front of us. Of course, we ourselves have to judge with our rational minds whether or not the yes would bring more good than bad, if the other way round then just stick to the no. Firmness in our decisions is imminent because life is all about the choices we make. Based on my experience, if I hadn't said yes to helping my friend clean up the storeroom in my secondary school, I would never have met my awesome friends in the Indoor Games Club and wouldn't be elected as the secretary of the club. I mean, I could have just said nah cleaning ain't my stuff and went back home. But if I had done that, I would have missed out on an exciting experience in the Indoor Games Club. I wouldn't even have joined it in the first place. Sometimes, the small things in life have a greater underlying significance, as through it we unlock hidden stuff as in meet new friends, go places we'd never plan to go before, et cetera. So my advice is if an opportunity doesn't seem so bad, just take a chance and say yes to it. You'll never know what it has in store for you until you have taken the first step of going for it. After all, we only live once right? YOLO :D

To wrap this post up, been listening to this song on repeat for days.
What makes a song beautiful is its' lyrics and the voice of the singer.
My personal preference is pop/rock genre!

Breast = Tomb.

First off, I could gobble this bowl of heavenly noodles right now.

Oh someone please Poslaju any ANY bowl of kolo mee from Sarawak now!! >.< Doesn't matter whether the kolo mee is nice or not, kolo mee is still kolo mee :D Where art thou, mah yummy bowl of noodles? Oh and oh!! THIS ONE ALSO!!


( ~O~ ) = my face right now.

Anyway, came across this interesting and kinda unusual newspaper article at library after lunch today.

Quote : He said it was based on a Chinese proverb that 'the breast of a woman is the tomb of a warrior'. Figuratively, it means a soldier would not be able to focus on fighting a war if he had a lover at home, and he would fear dying on the battlefield.

Hmm, well true in a sense. But rather in contrast to those movies which are abundant these days whereby the hero goes like 'I WILL FIGHT THOSE MUDAFAKAS FOR THE SAKE OF MY LOVED ONES!'. Well if we actually delve on the psychology of man, I'd side with the proverb above. Cuz' if I'm the dude heading for war and I have a wife and kids at home... well then I'd most probably pretend to die even before the 2 armies clashed. Best tip during a war : pretend to be dead. :D

Randomness : I hate cooking sunny-side up eggs cuz this is what happens almost every single freakin time.

Walao weh, it keeps sticking to the kuali. Thus, I've come to the conclusion that there's something in the egg yolk that when campur with the egg white will induce non-stickiness to the surface of the kuali. Cuz' my eggs don't stick to the kuali when I pre-mix the yolk+white beforehand. 50% this conclusion is bullcrap tho, so go research it and don't believe people so easily. :D

TO wrap things up, here's a pic of me arm-wrestling this indian dude back in Methodist College 2 years back. Can't believe how swiftly time soars when one ain't even taking notice of it.

Caffeine, my drug.

As the title implies, yes indeed.
Caffeine is my utmost top-of-the-list drug.
Well not technically a drug per se, but the informal meaning of drug is something that one gets addicted to.
Sooooo yeah, caffeine is mah drug!
Can't imagine life without caffeine.
It's like my brain goes zombie-ish without any consumption of caffeine.
That's exactly why I stocked up my caffeine supply! :D

Wtf is the pringles doing there? >.<

Lemme just briefly quote some info about caffeine consumption from some random website:

The Science: Soon after your first sip, caffeine begins to work its magic by causing the release of dopamine. Dopamine is a brain chemical that stimulates the area of your gray matter responsible for alertness, problem solving, and pleasure. "You have that feeling of being activated, sharper, and on the ball," says Lovallo. "And you can also experience a mild mood-elevating effect." All of which goes a long way in explaining why there are around 9,000 Starbucks outlets in the United States, and more opening every day around the globe.

Be smarter instantly: Down a cup of joe just before your next meeting -- it'll boost your mind power for about 45 minutes, according to a recent Austrian study that directly measured the impact of 100 milligrams (mg) of caffeine on brain activity.

Be smarter for life: Refill your cup three times a day. Harvard researchers have determined that men who drink 4 cups of caffeinated coffee a day are half as likely to develop Parkinson's disease as those who skip the java -- presumably because caffeine keeps dopamine molecules active. What's more, blocking adenosine may slow the buildup of amyloid-beta, a toxic brain plaque that's associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Yep, the reason I consume caffeine is mainly for mental alertness. If not, I'll be walking around with a 'huh?' attitude cuz' of what-we-call blurness. D:

Randomness: Guess who I saw whilst browsing random shops at The Curve last last weekend? The dude in the pic below!

If you have no clue who this particular dude is, then you're 100% not a Malaysian. :D
Yep, that's Ah Jib gor. Who knows what he and Rosmah were doing at The Curve.
Shopping or campaigning? Most probably the latter as elections are just around the corner.
Sigh, alang-alang my burfday is like 2 weeks from the election date if not I'd surely cast my vote.
Oh well, there's always the next election.

Anyway, to wrap it up and continue with the dreaded med slides for tomorrow's weekly assessment, here're a bunch of sequential pics denoting how my friends and I roll back in nyan nyan city :D