Lady : Do you smoke?
Man : Yes I do.
Lady : How many packs a day?
Man : 3 packs.
Lady : How much per pack?
Man : $10.00 per pack.
Lady : And how long have you been smoking?
Man : About 15 years.
Lady : So 1 pack is $10.00 and you have been smoking 3 packs a day which puts your spending per month at $900. In 1 year, it would have been $10,800. Am I correct?
Man : Correct.
Lady : If 1 year you spend $10,800 not accounting for inflation, the past 15 years put your spending total at $162,000. Correct?
Man : Correcto.
Lady : Do you know if you hadn't smoke, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for compound interest for the past 15 years, you could by now have bought a Ferrari?
Man : Oh, do you smoke?
Lady : No.
Man : Then where's your f*cking Ferrari?
Got it from some random website, forgot which one though.
Found it hidden stashed in the corner of my blogpost folder.
Anyway, back to the main topic of the day.
So far it's been an eventful week so far, went to watch Oblivion at Cathay Cineplex with some friends and then tak balik condo after that terus go makan seafood with ANOTHER group of friends at Fatty Crab Restaurant at some Taman Maju if I'm not mistaken.
It was after both these events that I realized that the fun thing about this life we're all living in is that events sometimes take an unexpected turn. For example, that day I did not even plan to go anywhere but to head back to my condo and stone. But on the way back, I randomly met up with my friends and they invited me to join them for the movie. And I was like 'Uhhh ermm, OK YEAH SURE!' cuz well, it sounds like fun! :D Good thing I went though, if not I'd never been able to pose as IRONMAN!!

Overall, I'd give Oblivion a 6/10 rating.
Anyhoo, after the movie I went straight to Chris's condo and lepak-ed there for about 20 minutes before Shen came and picked me and Jon and headed for Fatty Crab restaurant. Mason organized it apparently cuz' we talked too much crap so let's go eat some crab! LOLWUT. RANDOMNESS IN LIFE FTW! :D

What I'd like to point out here is that sometimes to have fun, we just have to say yes to things. After all, the word yes opens new opportunities and unlock doors in front of us. Of course, we ourselves have to judge with our rational minds whether or not the yes would bring more good than bad, if the other way round then just stick to the no. Firmness in our decisions is imminent because life is all about the choices we make. Based on my experience, if I hadn't said yes to helping my friend clean up the storeroom in my secondary school, I would never have met my awesome friends in the Indoor Games Club and wouldn't be elected as the secretary of the club. I mean, I could have just said nah cleaning ain't my stuff and went back home. But if I had done that, I would have missed out on an exciting experience in the Indoor Games Club. I wouldn't even have joined it in the first place. Sometimes, the small things in life have a greater underlying significance, as through it we unlock hidden stuff as in meet new friends, go places we'd never plan to go before, et cetera. So my advice is if an opportunity doesn't seem so bad, just take a chance and say yes to it. You'll never know what it has in store for you until you have taken the first step of going for it. After all, we only live once right? YOLO :D
To wrap this post up, been listening to this song on repeat for days.
What makes a song beautiful is its' lyrics and the voice of the singer.
My personal preference is pop/rock genre!
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