Star Cineplex for a change..

2 days ago whilst I was dota-ing as usual, my dad came into my room & told me that they're gonna take me to Star Cineplex to watch Prince of Persia. I was like 'Wah, hafta watch movie with parents.. epic'. Neways, off we went & watched the 7 o'clock show in a relatively empty movie theatre. Thanks to MBO, Star Cineplex is now OFFICIALLY a ghost town. 99.99% cuz of better popcorn, 0.01% cuz of better facilities. Let's face reality peeps, it's all bout the popcorn ain't it? LOL
My opinion of the movie??
WOW, IT'S SO MUCH LIKE THE PS2 GAME VERSION OF PRINCE OF PERSIA! LOL! SERIOUSLY, I MEAN THE HASSANSIN (GUY WITH SNAKE)? NIZAM (UNCLE WITH HIDDEN AGENDA)?? Plus, the 'sands of time' which reverses time has the same concept as the "Sisters of Fate" in God Of War 2! The producers shud've change the plot so that it doesn't resemble the game too much cuz it's a MOVIE peeps!! HAHA, but overall the movie was worth the 10 bucks spent I guess, good special effects. =]


tan shui ping said...

come my house play god of war 3

Kenkino said...

hmm, go ask godwin whether he free or not. I wan challenge u 2 bleach also