Brand's Chicken Essence

Hullo people!
3 MORE HOURS TILL FRIDAY! *Leaps in joy*

Let's see, today I'm gonna talk about Brand's chicken essence.
Whether it really works or not.
Bought a box of 6 for RM31.95 at some minimart outside my condo.
Basically, a bottle costs approximately 5 bucks.
Whew, that's expensive.

Day 3 taking it so far and I must say that it really does work!
My brain feels more alert and I'm getting more and more witty!
But it ain't no miracle supplement though, the effects only display themselves distinctly with continuous consumption.

Went to The Curve this morning to replace my faulty frameless spectacles.
If you notice, there's some holes in my current lens because I used the same lens to fit into a new half-frame glasses.
New lens cost about RM250 which is ridiculous. My power is only 500 and 300 sheesh.
Bet all the optical shop pakat already to set their lens prices at skyhigh prices.
The world really is all about business and making money.
Sad.... sad.

Anyhoo, went to Cathay cineplex to watch Resident Evil : Retribution with Shifaa, Ying, Tracy and Johnathan yesterday.

Like seriously!!
From the start of the movie till the end, my mouth was like ternganga in WOW-ness.
Rating 9/10 for the non-stop action and badass scenes.

A moment to ponder.

Hey peeps!
Nothing much, just wanna share with you guys something that I learnt just recently.
If you would just take a moment to ponder about events that happen in your life, you'll start to notice the invisible details and flaws of things.
This comes from personal experience.

For example, most people would go through a particular event which seems like there's nothing wrong with it because it's fun and stuff like that. But when you actually take time to ponder about it, you'll start to realize some of the really really fine and invisible details which you did not notice when you were participating in the event itself. It could be good or bad, it depends really. Rebuking is necessary sometimes if something is bringing dishonor to God especially if it is a christian event.

I cannot really disclose what I mean by saying this, but I'd like you to develop this habit of reflecting and pondering every night before you sleep on the going-ons in your life. And whether or not it's pleasing to God. If it's not, then it's time to rebuke yourself and turn back to God. He's always there for you no matter what.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

I miss Kuching sigh.


Hey peeps, one week without blogging seems weird.
So guess that brings us here.
Also because of another undisclosed reason which I shall not disclose here for not-going-to-be-disclosed reasons.


Try to ignore the blurry-ness of the image above, after all my laptops' webcam hasn't been cleaned for nearly 2 years =D

So orientation's over finally, I've heard that other universities' orientations last for only 2-3 days. Only at SEGi exists a 2-week period orientation. Is it a good or bad thing? I can't decide.

So what's next? 5 YEARS OF STUDYING YAY! I shall not deduce anything about my future experience in my course until after my first week of classes and lectures which will be next week.

Quote : Believe you can then you will.

On a random note, my landlady brought me to Tropicana Mall just now to get some groceries (ie apples and milk). Heck she even treated me to steamed tilapia fish at some fancy chinese restaurant. Where in the world could anyone find such a caring landlady? Glad I looked up her accommodation ad online before I accepted SEGi's offer of accommodation which is 9-people in a single condo unit which is just ridiculous and privacy-less. Not really conducive for someone taking a studying course like dentistry.



I have always thought that the word introvert refers to a person who is shy, reserved and values his/her privacy.
However, I just googled this particular term and wah-la!

1) A shy, reticent, and typically self-centered person.
2) A person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things.''

Like seriously? Typically self-centered person? Concerned with their own thoughts and feelings? Well, I'd personally label the former as inconsiderate and the latter as emo. So I'll just stick with my own definition of the uncommon word 'introvert'. (Refer to first sentence)

Orientation's great, but 9 hours of socializing is too tiring. Yes, I'm a moderate introvert. Notice I used the word moderate. That's because I ain't that kind of dull and boring type of person who's unable to crack jokes whenever there's an opening. Without laughter, life sucks.

So basically, an introvert is a person who needs and values his/her privacy or time alone. Whereas, an extrovert is the type of person who is able to crack jokes or make funny statements ALL THE TIME. Like, wow! Sometimes, I wonder how they do it. My slow brain just isn't cut out for extrovert-ness.

Moving along, went to 'The Takeover' at His Sanctuary Of Glory church at Taman Yarl. Overall, it was a fun event. Got to meet alot of fun and reallyyy talkative people there. The message and closing prayer was good. I actually felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as I whispered the closing prayer after the speaker. (Y)

Spot my nick if you can :P

Hectic Schedule :(

Sup peeps.
So it's day 2 at SEGi University.
One word to describe orientation so far.

Everyday for 2 weeks, I have to get up at 6.30am because orientation starts at 8am and ends at 5pm each day. Have to 'rebut' the bathroom every morning with my housemates. Briefing after briefing sigh.
Guess I'll have to get used to the oh-so-hectic schedule because the timetable for my classes will somewhat be the same. 9 hours a day of lectures for 5 years.. damn epic.
Worse yet, all medicine and dentistry students are required to dress in FORMAL ATTIRE for the next 5 years of lectures. That's right, FORMAL WORKING CLOTHES OMG! The students of other courses like engineering, creative design, et cetera are allowed to wear casual. Sheesh, if I could wear my t-shirt and jeans instead of working clothes, I wouldn't mind the 9 hours. D:

Putting things aside, I got chosen to represent my fellow dentistry coursemates to deliver the pledge and oath-taking speech in front of the entire lecture hall. Wheeee whoooooo!

Yep, I'm the guy standing on the stage with my right hand lifted up! Hehheh.

I'm downright exhausted now. Need. Some. Rest. Asap.
9 hours in lecture halls is torture to the human brain.
Personal note, broadband sucks big time.

Why Dentistry?

Soooo yeah.
Why dentistry?
Seems like literally everyone is asking me this question.
The answer? Right below.

"If a man expects a woman to be the angel in his life, then he should first create a heaven for her."

For some, this quote sounds lame. But for me, it's one of my main goals in life. The reason why I chose dentistry is because it is a stable and well-paid job. Now don't get me wrong here, the money that I earn is entirely for my future wife and kids. I want to provide a high-end home and life for them next time. (The low-density Green Heights condominium opposite Cold Storage is very tempting, that's definitely going on my list of potential family homes next time)

Interest-wise.. not really. I mean, who's really interested in bleeding gums, saliva, foul breath, et cetera right? I know that alot of people out there say that money doesn't matter, all that matters is enjoying what you do in your work. I partly agree with this quote. However, I choose to be realistic. Earning money is undoubtedly essential for a man with a family. If I choose to follow my interest in becoming an English teacher, I would not be able to make enough money to provide a good life for my family next time. (The fact is that there are currently more than 10,000 unemployed teaching graduates in Malaysia). Subsequently, I would blame myself for being selfish and putting my interest as first priority instead of my future family.

Other than that, I also want to provide the option of becoming a housewife to my future wife if she wants to. Let me handle the financial status of the family, it is after all the responsibility of the male to support his wife and kids. The one thing I cannot tolerate are men who force their wives be the primary-breadwinner of the family while they just sit back and do nothing. These types of men are irresponsible useless junks of society and deserve no respect from people. Real men will willingly carry the burden of fulfilling his responsibilities to his family even if it means giving up his dreams.

To wrap it up, here's a beautiful pic of Edward and Bella. :3