A Sense Of Poise And Rationality.

Hello, peeps!
Got myself a new spectacle frame with a 50% discount price tag!
The perfect time to finally clear out my to-buy list.

Sigh, maybe I should try out LASIK eye laser surgery to get perfect eyesight and end wearing glasses once and for all.

Went shopping at Boulevard today, and I absolutely fancy the new wing! Now all Boulevard needs is a new cineplex and Kuching-nites can kiss The Spring goodbye heh!

List of items bought :
1) New spectacle frame (excluding lens) = RM 100
2) Bodyglove slim straight cut jeans = RM 195
3) Diesel dark green t-shirt = RM 8
4) Greatness Is Within t-shirt = RM 8
5) Diesel yellowish-tan t-shirt = RM 8

Spent some time in the shower and got to ponder about some of the poops in life :
1) The best way to deal with a problem is to analyze it with a sense of poise and rationality so we would be able to balance as to is it really worth investing so much of our thought and time in? If not, then just stop thinking about it.

2) The feeling of emotional distress especially caused by people we genuinely care about is like a sword being pierced through one's heart. True enough, emotional pain is felt more intensely than physical wounds.

Random note, my mommy's smile is so charming :3